How to check and change types with JavaScript

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Let's say you are writing TypeScript, when you realize that you need to cast Boolean values into numbers to suit an existing pattern. Not only that—you aren't even sure if you are working with true Booleans or string values!

It is important that we understand the types of values we manipulate in applications. Types can be tricky, but it's nothing we can't handle with a little ✨ JS magic ✨!

Dude, where's my type?

Thankfully, we can use typeof to identify types quickly. This is a built-in JavaScript operator, so it's ready for you to use right out of the box.

Let's say we want to check the type of a constant:

const foo = false
typeof foo

This returns the type Boolean.

There are nine possible results when you use typeof:

Type Result Description
Boolean 'boolean' A binary true or false value
Number 'number' A numerical value
String 'string' A text value
Symbol 'symbol' A unique value often used as an identifier
BigInt 'bigint' An object used with numbers too large for Number
Function 'function' Code that can be called by code other than itself
Undefined 'undefined' Represents an unintentionally absent value
Null 'object' Represents an intentionally absent value
Object 'object' Anything else

Note that if a value is not primitive, it is considered an Object. For example, arrays and functions are objects. Oddly enough, Null values are also considered objects! This is important because we cannot necessarily differentiate between Null and Object values using typeof.

const foo = null
const bar = []

typeof foo // returns 'object'
typeof bar // returns 'object'

Here are a few examples of typeof in action:

// returns 'boolean'
typeof true

// returns 'string'
typeof 'megafauna'
typeof '99'

// returns 'number'
typeof 99
typeof Math.PI
typeof Infinity
typeof NaN

// returns 'bigint'
typeof 99n

// returns 'symbol'
typeof Symbol('megafauna')

// returns 'function'
typeof function(megaFauna) {}

// returns 'object'
typeof {mega: 'fauna'}
typeof ['mega', 'fauna']

JavaScript type conversions

In JavaScript, "casting" refers to type conversions. Considering we cannot convert Null or Undefined values, let's focus on converting the first four: Boolean, Number, String, and Symbol. We will cover four options for casting types:

  • String
  • toString()
  • Number
  • Boolean

Number to String

Either use the String function or toString() method to cast a string value.

const foo = 99
typeof foo // returns 'number'

String(foo) // returns '99'
typeof String(foo) // returns 'string'

foo.toString() // returns '99'
typeof foo.toString() // returns 'string'

Boolean to String

The same can be used on Boolean values!

const foo = false
typeof foo // returns 'boolean'

String(foo) // 'false'
typeof String(foo) // returns 'string'

foo.toString(foo) // 'false'
typeof foo.toString // returns 'string'

Boolean to Number

While we're on the topic of Booleans, let's consider what it looks like to cast a number instead of a string.

If we stop to think about this, what do we expect to receive? A Boolean value is binary by design. It is a logical outcome: true or false. It makes sense then that the numerical representation of a binary outcome would be the presence of something (the number 1) or the absence of something (the number 0).

To cast a Number from a Boolean, we use the global Number function:

const foo = false
const bar = true

Number(foo) // 0
typeof Number(foo) // returns 'number'

Number(bar) // 1
typeof Number(bar) // returns 'number'

String to Number

Again, the Number function is your friend when we are casting numbers from strings, and this is pretty straightforward so long as we have valid numerical characters in our string. As it turns out, spaces included in string values do not need to be cleaned to be compatible with Number! Although, an empty string will convert to zero.

const foo = '99'
const bar = '   9.9 '
const baz = ''

Number(foo) // 99
typeof Number(foo) // returns 'number'

Number(bar) // 9.9
typeof Number(bar) // returns 'number'

Number(baz) // 0
typeof Number(baz) // returns 'number'

If your string is an invalid number, Number will return NaN, a signifier for "not a number".

Booleans! Booleans! Booleans!

Of the options we covered, probably the most surprising is the Boolean() method. It tests for presence or absence, and returns a Boolean accordingly. Because of this, it does not work as most would expect! Here are two shortcuts to keep this straight.

  1. Using Boolean() on false, null, undefined, '', NaN, or 0 will return false
  2. Using Boolean() on everything else will return true

What this looks like:

typeof Boolean(false) // returns 'false'
typeof Boolean('false') // returns 'true'

That's right. So, a common mistake is to use this method to create Booleans from strings. Only when we pass in an empty string will we receive a false value.

A Boolean bonus

In JavaScript, an even easier way to cast booleans is to use the !! operator! This is functionally equivalent to using Boolean(). How cool is that?

const foo = 1
typeof !!foo // returns 'true'

Back to the problem at hand

Let's take a look at how we would resolve the issue we encountered in the first place.

Let's say you are writing TypeScript, when you realize that you need to cast Boolean values into numbers to suit an existing pattern. Not only that—you aren't even sure if you are working with true Booleans or string values!

We need to take two steps:

  1. Identify the type of value we are using (Boolean or string)
  2. Cast those values into Number values

First, we can rely on our trusty typeof function...

typeof mysteryConst // returns 'Boolean' figure out our next step. Working with a Boolean, we now just need to apply Number():

typeof mysteryConst // returns 'Boolean'
numberConst = Number(mysteryConst)
typeof numberConst // returns 'number'

Now we are in business!